
Cataclysm Lore I

Well guys, since the Cataclysm is over, I recon it would be more than helpful if we would take a good look at what we've managed to accomplish thus far:

The Destruction of Azeroth

Was closely related and bound by the fate of the most feared and most dreaded aspect of them all. Deathwing, the aspect of death! Behold him and tremble:

Return of Deathwing (Cataclysm Intro)

And thus began the cataclysm that would forever change the fate of all the gamers who ever played World of Warcraft and knew the world as it used to be, quiet and filled with nothing else, but small conflicts. 

For a more detailed version of the Lore feel free to visit: World of Warcraft Cataclysm Lore on Strategy-Game-Guides.Com! We'll be back with more content soon after the break ...

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