
Patch 5.4 The Fall of Hellscream

Time has finally come for Garrosh to meet his end at the hands of both Horde and Alliance and so it is that in Patch 5.4 Blizz decided to finally open the raid on Orgrimmar (alongside some other new features that they will implement). But as players we don't really care about those, if we care of something that is getting to be the first to cap his brown orcish butt and to do that we might need some help (kindly provided by the boys over by Zygor, Tycoon or Dugi). So if you think you're in need for some guidance just drop by Wow 5.4 Guide Updates and check out the few updates that are posted there, perhaps you will find it more or less useful. But either way you may do that you need to know that things are actually worth it and that those darn guides actually work be they leveling or gold addons. 

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