
Wow 5.4.7 mini-patch changes

We're still going strong with the good old fashioned Mists of Pandaria and by the looks of it patch 5.4 wasn't the end of it, because there wasn't no exclusive mount just yet, then 5.4.2 came and still no mount ... And finally 5.4.7 is underway as well and guess what? We have mount!!! And a pet too and some changes concerning the good old end to arena season 15. But that's not all that important, because how many of you bastards are actually going to get those super elite pvp items anyway?

Cute looking exclusive Warlords of Draenor battle pet (Dread Hatchling)

So my point is the exclusive next expansion mount is heralding the end to yet another stage in the development of the whole game and thus the end of a story and the beginning of a new one. Now for a couple more pieces of info on the update do check this out: Yet another Wow mini-patch 5.4.7 and also do not forget that when the patch comes out, all the guides will be yet again rendered useless by the update and thus will require a nice extra time spent  on dealing with the compatibility issues, but that's nothing that can't be fixed in a couple of minutes if you have any of the guides/addons I recommended. And that's it, have a wonderful day and keep on raiding!

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